明けましておめでとうございます A Happy New Year 2012


I was very late to say a new year’s greeting and I didn’t write my blog long time. But I am a fine and I start to write my blog today.


12月30日 30th Dec. 2011


I decollate some decollations for a coming new year.
It is like you decollate Christmas reace on the door in England.


Our friend’s father made a “Kadomatsu” for us. It is so beautiful.
“Kadomatsu” is like a Christmas wreath in England.
We will have much of lucks in this year.
I decollated a dragon which I bought at the Metropolitan museum in N.Y. last summer and my favorite dinosaurs with “Kadomatsu”.
Because of this year is a dragon year.

12月31日 31th Dec. 2011
みそか お年取り last day of 2011


There are our new year’s dishes. I made small amounts.
My husband’s mother and sister came last few days and we had big meals a lot, and I made only few dishes for a coming new year.


Each special dish has special meaning.


“Kuro-mame” is our favorite. I made this by new recipe this year. It looks and taste O.K. but some beans cooked well but other beans bit hard. I need more practice.
There are always left much broth when after I cooked “Kuro-mame”. I heard about this broth is good for throat and we take some broth with hot milk. It is taste good!

1月1日 1st Jan. 2012
元旦 new years day


We ate also new year’s special dishes are “Zoni” , some “Datemaki”s and some “Kamaboko”s in the new year’s morning.


I forgot to buy a chicken for stock then I made stock from fish and dried mushrooms.
It was nice but my husband said “I didn’t eat any chickens this year yet!” few days ago

1月2日 2nd Jan. 2012

海老蔵は始めて観たのですが、夜の部は一人5役も演じるせいか、午前中は力抜き気味?! でも、お父さんの團十郎の演技は流石でした

We went to the “Kabuki” in Osaka.
“Ebi-zo” is one of young “Kabuki” actor played this day but he wasn’t well I thought but his father “Dan-ju-ro” was grated.
We ate some “Tembura”s at our favorite shop and we spent wonderful day.

