2012年6月の畑 Allotment in June 2012


Deer have come again!
This spring deer didn’t come to my allotment and I really forget about them.
But but~~~~! They didn’t forget my allotment and they started come here from June.


Every day I do something, like rebuild fences, I put nets again and etc… but they come every night.
I have no idea where and how they come in.
They ate potato and strawberry leaves first and then they ate leaves of aubergines, green peppers, beans, sweet potato and cucumbers.
Now my allotment looks so poor.
Potato was going to harvest another 1 month but they ate all leaves and only few leaves were stayed.
But those few leaves were get dry and I have to harvest small potato.
They ate all strawberry leaves too and I don’t know about next season.
They eat something every day and I am very sad when I visit allotment every day.
“You will better to give up your allotment next year” my husband say now.

Any way I am so so sad